The government has launched the second round of applications for the Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund.
It’s for businesses that aren’t in the leisure, retail and hospitality industries. With the grant you can receive £25,000, £10,000 or any amount under £10,000.
Am I eligible for the Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund?
Your business must be based in England and you must have been trading since 11 March. You’ll qualify if you occupy a property or part of a property which has a rateable value of below £51,000.
You should have relatively high ongoing costs and face significant financial impact because of coronavirus. People who have received support under the furlough scheme or the Self-employed Income Support Scheme can also apply, as long as they haven’t applied for this fund already.
To apply, you’ll need to provide evidence of fixed property costs plus evidence of a substantial loss of income because of coronavirus as well as proof that you’re a small or micro business.
Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or have received a striking-off notice won’t be eligible. You also can’t apply if you’ve had support from the Small Business Grant Fund; Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant; Fisheries Response Fund; Domestic Seafood Supply Scheme; Zoos Support Fund; or the Dairy Hardship Fund.
Applications are open until Wednesday 17 June.
Councils have the final say
Local councils have been asked to prioritise certain types of businesses:
- Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces, such as units in industrial parks or incubators
- Regular market traders
- Bed and breakfasts paying council tax instead of business rates
- Charity properties getting charitable business rates relief, which are not eligible for small business rates relief or rural rate relief
Note that distribution of funding is at your local council’s discretion. Please check the details that they provide about the scheme.
Your council will run tests to check your eligibility after you apply. If you’re successful, there is no need to pay the grant back, but it is taxable. Find your local council site through
Businesses that apply for this scheme can apply for other coronavirus related grant schemes.
Read more
Find your small business coronavirus grant – list of UK councils