Tax Rates & Allowances

The latest tax rates and allowances.

Income tax

Estimate your personal income tax liability using the current rates. View the current rates here.

Child benefit

Weekly amounts of child / working tax credits and child benefit.


Details of the amounts of tax relievable pension contributions for individuals and employers.


Calculate the taxable benefit using the relevant tables for employer provided cars, vans and related fuel.

Individual Savings Account (ISA)

The annual ISA investment limits.

Corporation tax

Companies pay corporation tax on their income and gains. View the current rates and estimate the tax due.

Capital allowances

Plant and machinery allowances and the allowances available for other assets.

Value added tax

The current VAT percentages and the annual registration and deregistration thresholds.

Inheritance tax

Inheritance tax rates and allowances.

Stamp duty & land taxes

The current percentages of stamp duty and the various UK property/land transaction taxes.

National insurance

Earnings thresholds and contribution percentages for Class 1 (employed), Class 2 and 4 (self-employed) and Class 3 (voluntary) national insurance contributions.

Statutory pay

Current weekly amounts.

Tax reliefs for individuals


Minimum wage

Statutory minimum wage levels.

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